MY Story
I’m Kate, the owner and founder of BODY. We live in a world that praises women for fitting into a beauty standard making it incredibly hard for us to see the beauty in our own body. Truth be told I have been struggling with body image and my relationship with food since middle school. I’ve been obsessed with having a flat stomach for as long as I can remember so I would force myself to do hundreds of crunches before bed and before leaving the house.
I always hated the little bump at the bottom of my stomach and no matter how skinny I got it would still be there. I never understood why my stomach wasn’t flat like my friends or all the pics I saw online so I went through many periods of my life where I became obsessed with shrinking my body and everything I did turned into a workout. If me and my friends went to the pool I would start making up workouts in the water and swimming laps to burn extra calories. Looking back at how thin I was back then it’s crazy to think I was still never “thin enough.”
After graduating college in 2017 I had a new obsession, building curves in the gym to feel worthy enough of love. I did countless hours of research on the best workouts for glutes and actually saw really good progress at first. However, since I was severely under eating at the time the gains quickly left and I became the thinnest I’d been since high school.
I then started force feeding myself out of fear of being “too thin”. So I went from never being “thin enough” to then fearing being “too skinny” all because a guy told me I needed curves to be sexy. That eventually led to me gaining a little weight, not just in my butt but everywhere else too and I was devastated. Sure my butt got bigger but now I hated my stomach and arms and just wanted to be really skinny again. I battled between wanting to be curvy and wanting to be skinny for years on this journey and am just now getting to a point where I just want to feel my healthiest no matter what that looks like. But it is still a work in progress and that’s why I wanted to create this space for women to come and be able to support each other on this journey.
Even now at my healthiest and happiest I’ve ever been with my body, I still have that stomach pouch I used to shame myself for. Some days I look in the mirror and see it as what makes me unique and understand that my body was made for making babies.. and other days (typically my luteal phase lol) I don’t understand why my stomach isn’t flat even though I take such good care of it now.
But that’s just it, my body was never made to look that way. So why obsess over being something I’m not when I have a mission far greater than myself. If my body was always “perfect” I would of never struggled on this journey the way I did which ultimately lead to the creation of BODY. Our struggles with our bodies can bring us into a much deeper relationship with ourself when we finally just embrace ourselves for who we are. I’m here to guide you along that journey and show you what it means to love and care for your body in a way that divinely respects who you were always meant to be.